Where Do They Sell Their Honey?
Below is the past seven years data on where our reporters sell their honey. We have 17 outlets listed, and, yes, there are more. We asked where else, and several additional outlets were mentioned – Feedstores, coffee shops, hardware stores, church fairs, to their family, annual holiday fairs, restaurants, and orchard stores where they pollinated. 25 places to sell honey. You shouldn’t have any left this year.
Sales from home took a leap this year, rising more than 20% over last year, and about 15% above the average. Gift store sales are increasing, as are sales to customers at work. Both of these are refreshing and if you don’t already, take a look locally. We think it’s the local in local farm markets that’s driving those sales increases with more people selling there, but selling about the same amount of their crop. We also think that local small packers are taking advantage of the local honey for the same reasons and buying from more local beekeepers, who aren’t, incidentally, selling more but rather keeping it home. Local honey is selling well at fairs and internet sales continue to grow in terms of amount of honey sold there.