CATCH THE BUZZ – Check Out The WAS Meeting Coming Up in September at UC Davis

UC-Davis beekeepers’ conference to cover changes in industry

“The Rapidly Changing Bee Scene” will be among the presentations at the Western Apicultural Society’s 40th annual conference for beekeepers Sept. 5-8 at the University of California-Davis.

Honey bee expert Eric Mussen, an extension apiculturist emeritus at the University of California-Davis, and his wife, Helen, are planning the program for the 40th Western Apicultural Society conference, to be held Sept. 5-8 at UC-Davis.

Kim Flottum, editor of Bee Culture magazine, will be a key speaker at the Western Apicultural Society conference Sept. 5-8 at the University of California-Davis.

Changes and advances in beekeeping will be highlighted in a conference for bee producers Sept. 5-8 at the University of California-Davis.

Early registration for the Western Apicultural Society’s 40th annual conference costs $175 and will be taken through July 31. After that, sign-ups for the entire conference will cost $225, while a single-day registration is offered for $60.

The nonprofit WAS represents mainly small-scale beekeepers in the western portion of North America, many of whom will gather to hear the latest in science and technology pertaining to their industry and how to keep their bees healthy, a news release explained.

At the conference, Bee Culture magazine editor Kim Flottum will address “The Rapidly Changing Bee Scene”; beekeeper and author Les Crowder will discuss managing honey bees in top bar hives; and bee expert Larry Connor will cover “Keeping Your Bees Alive and Growing”.

“The beekeeping and honey industries are, and have been, extremely volatile,” Flottum said in the release. “That’s what happens when you have animals, the weather, government and humans in the mix.”

His presentation will include “what’s going on at the moment that beekeepers should be aware of, and more importantly, what to expect in the near and not so near future” that will affect the industry, he said.

Some sessions will be held outdoors at the Harry H. Laidlaw Jr. Honey Bee Research Facility and the adjacent Haagen Dazs Bee Haven, a bee-friendly garden sponsored by UC-Davis’ Department of Entomology and Nematology.

For information or to register, visit .