What Vets Do For Fun in the Winter

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What Vets Do For Fun in the Winter
By: Tracy Farone

As you read this it’s somewhere in the doldrums of Winter, February. A time when you have started missing your busy bee yard work, forgetting how crazy Spring turn-over can be. Whether February is a time when you celebrate love or wish to shoot a certain groundhog, you probably have some time on your hands (unless you are in the almond orchards). So, it is a good time to catch up on reading and perhaps learn something new.
This month, I thought I would try something different and slightly higher tech…a bit of a Valentine’s gift to you. I am sharing a 3-hour on-line teaching session that I provided for veterinarians continuing education (CE) a few years back. The topics are basic beekeeping and honey bee diseases. Practicing veterinarians are required, in most states, to complete about 30 hours of CE to renew their medical license. Honey bee medicine has been a hot topic for CE the last few years! The video is a small glimpse into what we are trying to teach veterinarians about honey bee medicine. (Please forgive me if I do not deliver any new information which may have arrived in the last couple of years, as this was a 2020 recording.) The video should also be a good study for newish beekeepers.
So, if you are game, grab a cup of coffee and take a listen. You can pause, fast forward, or stop whenever you like. If readers like this type of video sharing, I can also incorporate more how-to videos in the future articles. I would appreciate your feedback. One hint for this video: Skip ahead to minute 5-6 to get past the intros. Utilize the QR-code, welcome to the classroom, and enjoy!