USDA- Science in Your Shopping Cart the Podcast!


Science in Your Shopping Cart – The Podcast

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Did you know that the popular Roma tomato was actually developed by ARS scientists in Beltsville, MD? Or that ARS technology has helped reduce the use of pesticides on apples and other fruits? Or that ARS researchers are turning waste after harvest into fuels and other products? Check out our new podcast series, Science in Your Shopping Cart, and learn how science touches many of the products we buy at the grocery store, from new varieties of fruits and vegetables to technological advances that make our food safer, cheaper, and tastier.

Season 10 The Buzz Around Bees
This season we are talking about bees. Bees are essential to healthy, biodiverse ecosystems. Commercial production of many high-value and specialty crops like almonds and other tree nuts, berries, fruits and vegetables depend on pollination.

Episode 3: Can Bees Adapt to Climate Change?
Climate change is a significant factor contributing to the decline in pollinator populations. The warming of the planet and changes in weather patterns are altering the synchrony between flowering plants and their pollinators, causing nutritional stress.

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