UF Beekeeping Academy Videos

The videos below are new since our last post! Each video is listed below with their short descriptions. Want to just go to the playlist? Here’s the link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAQHmJyzKkpCu_Pd92GBY2J7TCVtPsPad&si=2Bk-9aBNqMCzIxgC

Episode 49: Removing Queen Cells

Removing queen cells is an effective strategy for swarm management in your honey bee colonies. In this episode of the UF/IFAS Beekeeping Academy series, Dr. Ellis explains the benefits of queen cell removal and demonstrates this practice.

Watch it here!

Episode 50: Catching A Swarm

Sometimes, honey bee colonies will swarm no matter how diligent you are with your swarm management techniques. In this episode of the UF/IFAS Beekeeping Academy series, Dr. Ellis gives some background on the biology of honey bee swarms, and demonstrates how to hive a swam.

Watch it here!

Episode 51: Harvesting Honey Supers

The ability to harvest honey from your colonies is one of the biggest perks of being a beekeeper. In this episode of the UF/IFAS Beekeeping Academy series, Dr. Ellis presents several ways honey supers can be harvested for extraction.

Watch it here!

Episode 52: Introduction to the Honey Bee Colony

The honey bee colony is a biological marvel. In this episode of the UF/IFAS Beekeeping Academy series, Dr. Ellis gives an introduction to the biology of the honey bee colony.

Watch it here!

Episode 53: The Queen Honey Bee

A honey bee colony cannot function properly without a good queen. In this episode of the UF/IFAS Beekeeping Academy series, Dr. Ellis discusses the queen honey bee and her role in the honey bee colony.

Watch it here!