Smoke is beekeeper cologne
Don’t buy me Cool Water for Christmas,
I have a scent all of my own.
No Old Spice or Axe in my stocking,
I’ve got my beekeeper cologne.
A thick smell of smoke permeates me,
My clothing, my car, and my home.
There’s simply no way to escape it.
Can’t ditch that beekeeper cologne!
I waft it to calm down the workers
But it lingers long after they’ve flown.
My children would like to disown me
Kids frown on beekeeper cologne!
My wife always tries to Febreze me
My barbecue scent she bemoans.
Hot bath, Clorox spray and wire brush can’t
Exorcise my beekeeper cologne!
So I sought out a smoky support group
Where firemen and chimney sweeps go.
But it turns out I’m rather attached to
My good old beekeeper cologne!
by Peter Keilty