A case for honey. When your business is measured in cases of honey, when you begin to call yourself a “Producer-Packer”, when honey puts food on the family table, when you know that if you had just another 100 colonies you could quit that damn day job and be your own boss, make your own decisions, fix it yourself, make it yourself, set your own schedule – Then you NEED to be in Medina October 22 and 23, 2016 to listen to and learn from a group of Producer Packers who are successful, who have made the move, who put food on their table every day because of CASES OF HONEY. These are the businesses that count every case, count every colony in every yard, worry about accounts, buyers, shelf space, labels, bottles, dollars, labor, trucks, regulations, and more regulations and family freedom.
If this is you, if this is where you want to be, come listen to and learn from some of the best in the business – long time, well established businesses who know the ropes, know the bees, know the regulations, and know how to sell – A CASE OF HONEY.
Mark Your Calendars Now!
October 22 and 23, 2016 at
Bee Culture’s Conference Center
640 West Liberty Street
Medina, Ohio
Watch BeeCulture.com and these pages for program and registration information.