The Tennessee Beekeepers Association, the coordinating body for forty-four local and regional beekeeping associations throughout the State of Tennessee has announced registration is now open for their 2024 Annual Fall Conference. This year theme is MORE EDUCATION FOR MORE HONEY. Featured speakers are Dr. Becky Masterman, Keynote Speaker and eleven other speakers from universities, commercial beekeeping, and backyard beekeepers. This year’s conference co-sponsored by Middle Tennessee State University School of Agriculture and the TBA. The conference will be at the MTSU Student Union Conference Center. Members of TBA and non-members are welcome to attend.
Registration is now open at click on events
- The dates for the conference are Friday & Saturday, October 11-12th, 2024 starting at 8:00am.
- With the annual meeting for the board members and delegates held on Thursday, October 10th at 7:30
- Educational speakers and presentations.
- Honey Show with Judging by Dr. Clarence Collison Honey Exchange & Black Jar Honey Contest
- Silent Auction and Door Prizes
- Trade Show with various beekeeping equipment and related products
- Mead Show and judging with Tony Johnston, PhD., MTSU School of Agriculture, Fermentation Sciences.
Beginning Beekeepers Course will be part of the Conference- held on Saturday Morning October 11th. 9:00am-2:00pm presented by the Rutherford County Beekeepers (Separate charge for this class 20)
Contact: Kevin Keller, TBA Executive VP and Conference Chairperson. 865.333.6041