Alyssum Flowers
A true blue champion in the garden is balloon flower or Chinese bellflower, Platycodon grandiflorus, a two foot tall clump forming perennial with shiny green, pointed leaves and upright growth habit ending with multiple clusters of bell-like flowers. Similar to other species in the Family Campanulaceae, the cheerful swollen buds open like a cup with five pointed petals exposing yellow pollen tubes inside. Children (of any age) like to pinch the buds, making them pop open. This perennial can add color and charm to rock gardens, borders, butterfly gardens or seeded in large areas.
Native to Eastern Asia, Korea and Siberia, balloon flower grows well in Hardiness Zones four to nine, in moist but well drained soils, although it can tolerate clay soil. It blooms abundantly in full sun or dappled shade from mid-Summer through Fall and is relatively pest free. It is also deer resistant! Removing the dead flowers before they develop seeds will prolong the blooming period. Butterflies, honey bees and solitary bees are especially attracted to balloon flowers, and being long lived, this beauty will continue to bring smiles and color to your landscape.
To propagate this gem, plant seeds in early Spring in a cold frame or carefully dig and cut the lower stem of non-flowering stems with at least one root attached, and pot until it becomes established. The roots are fleshy and delicate so it is important to water well before cutting into the root mass.
“Sentimental Blue” is a favorite cultivar with deep blue flowers on compact, bushy stems reaching only six to 12 inches. You can see it in the A.I. Root garden in front of the administration building. Other colors are now available, including a light pink, white with pink etching or white with blue streaks, to enhance the color and interest of your garden.
Platycodon is a fun and attractive dependable feature for any garden. It blends well with other perennials and will flower at a time when others have stopped. For best effect, plant a mass of them instead of one or two and plant in clumps vs. a straight line. You will enjoy the results for a long time.