By: Joyce Dahlgren
This article originally appeared in the Winter 2020 issue of BEEKeeping Your First Three Years
Jokingly, I tell everybody that I used to build high-rise condominiums, but last year I built a small vacation home. I am a part time beekeeper so the high-rise refers to Langstroth beehives and small vacation homes refers to this two-frame nuc. Since the Boardman feeder will not fit this narrow two-frame nuc, I built the usual hive top feeder. I raised two walk-away Queens with these units.
When I was building my second two-frame nuc, I thought it would be simpler to add a feeder to the hive body rather than make a separate unit. I added a Boardman style feeder to the back of the hive body. A removable cover held the bottle with another cover without the hole for use when not feeding the bees.
GREAT!!! Just what I wanted! But, what about you beekeepers with YOUR two-frame nucs? So I made a feeder to suit your existing nucs which only requires you to drill a one inch hole in the back of the hive. You can plug this hole with a one inch plastic plug when not using the feeder. Your hive will set on top of the feeder board with the bottle located behind the hive. This leaves the hive entrance open.
To make the feeder:
Cut the following
1. Bottom Board ¾” x 4¾” by 25 1/4″ long.
2. Spacers 1 pc ¾” x 4¾” and 2 pcs ¾” x 3¾” x 2″
3. Cover ¼” plywood 4¾” x 4½”
Mark the center line of the 4¾” width. Then drill a 2¾” hole 1 7/8″ from one edge. Enlarge the hole as required to suit your feeder bottle. Assemble the Boardman style feeder to suit you.
For use, place the feeder board on your hive stand with the bottle to the rear. Place your nuc (after drilling a one inch hole in the back of your nuc centered on the width and 1 ¼” up from the bottom) on the feeder board. The hole in your hive should lead to the cavity below the feeder bottle. If you are making a new feeder bottle, remember to put only five or six small holes in the cover.
Well, that was easier to make than a hive top feeder and used less material. ENJOY!

My custom made two-frame nuc with a built-in feeder at the rear. The extra closure at the left is used to close the nuc when not feeding.

My custom made two-frame nuc with a built-in feeder at the rear. The extra closure at the left is used to close the nuc when not feeding.