Bees in a Box Update

Here is an update on the bees in the styrene boxes…Horribly cold this winter!!!

Between the snow showers, drifts and just plain unreasonable cold the bees are holding up well in these boxes.  I still have 2 – 1 sugar syrup with honey b healthy added in their feeder tray.  When I open the hive for a quick peek, the bees are loosely clustered and calm.  Very nice to see a large number of bees.
I am hoping that the queens (8-2013) have begun laying since this is the end of January.  There are enough bees to keep the brood warm in these nucs.  With these bitter cold days and nights, the clustering without disturbance is important.
I will check again with pictures when I don’t have to wade through the snow so deep!
Until the next sneak peek,
